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Post-retirement planning, too often an overlooked aspect of wealth management, involves a different view, a different perspective — and an entirely different set of strategies.
Pre-retirement planning is about building enough savings to provide for a long and active retirement. Your decisions are about how much to save and how to invest those savings, and importantly, to invest in the most tax-efficient manner so your investments are maximized both as they grow and then as you begin to draw down funds in your retirement. But once you’ve climbed that mountain, what’s your strategy as you look beyond your last paycheck? You need a plan to replace your income in retirement and that plan should be designed not only so your money lasts you through your lifetime, but to fulfill your other goals and intentions, such as leaving a legacy for your heirs or favorite charities, traveling more, or purchasing a second home in your dream location.
Let’s talk.
Do you have questions we could answer? Is there additional information we could provide you? We’re here to help. Call us at 866-536-5776, or email us at There’s no cost or obligation, and we bet we can provide you the clarity you deserve.