At HBKS we often meet with families whose loved ones haven’t taken the appropriate steps to plan for an extended illness or their untimely death.

While no one likes to talk about these difficult subjects, the fact is that we will all die someday. And, according to, more than one in four of today’s 20-year-olds will become disabled before they reach age 67. So, it is critical, especially if you are the primary decision maker in financial matters, that you prepare your family for this possibility as well.

Unfortunately, because this is a difficult subject to discuss, many financial advisors don’t address it with their clients. It’s possible that you have an excellent financial plan and your investments are performing well, but you and your advisor haven’t reviewed important topics such as:

  • Who would make decisions if something were to happen to you?
  • If you have multiple accounts, does that person know a point of contact at every location?
  • What are your medical and financial wishes?
  • Where are all the important documents located?

These are just a few of the topics that we address with our families. In fact, we feel this is such an important topic that we’ve developed a workbook to guide families through the conversation and to have a single place to keep the notes and reminders. Your financial plan and investment performance won’t matter to your family if these crucial items haven’t been addressed. If you haven’t done this planning, we’d be happy to schedule a free consultation with you. Simply enter your information and we will contact you to schedule a time to discuss.

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