The transition from retirement saver to retirement spender can be off-putting. A life spent earning income, deferring taxes, and accumulating invested assets quickly changes to life on a fixed income: Social Security, a pension or 401k, portfolio withdrawals. Add in the market volatility associated with your investments and uncertainty about things like medical costs, inflation, and life expectancy, and the transition can prove more than you care to deal with.
While most invest and save diligently during their working years, few understand what percentage of their gross income they’ll need as a retiree. Most retirees want to maintain the standard of living that they’ve become accustomed, but as with many things, retirement changes how this is calculated. To effectively plan for retirement, it is important to ascertain what your spending needs are likely to be; and to do so we have only existing data to work with.
One common way to approach our calculation is to use a “replacement ratio,” which is based on the percentage of your pre-retirement gross income you’ll need to support your desired retirement lifestyle. The vast majority of retirees require significantly less income due to:
- lower taxes without earned income
- no longer putting aside money for retirement
- elimination of job related expenses like work clothing, gas for commuting, etc.
But while some expenses will be reduced or eliminated, you should plan for others, like travel and leisure spending, to increase.
In most instances, the higher a retiree’s pre-retirement income, the lower the expected replacement ratio. Social Security and retirement plan incomes will tend to fulfill a higher percentage of retirement income needs for lower career-earnings individuals, while investment portfolios are typically relied on more heavily for those with higher pre-retirement incomes.
Note that the data from the DFA study is designed to illustrate median replacement rates. Most importantly, the replacement ratio methodology for determining retirement income needs is merely a starting point to assess an individual’s ability to retire. Each individual retiree’s situation is unique and should be analyzed by a CFP® professional who can run a customized, retirement feasibility study.
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