HBKS Wealth Advisors congratulates R. Dean Piccirillo, CFP, CRPS, AIFA, on earning his Master of Science in Financial Services (MSFS) from the Richard D. Irwin Graduate School at The American College of Financial Services in King of Prussia, Pa.
The American College’s MSFS degree program provides a diverse financial education that prepares graduates to advise clients on a wide spectrum of financial planning issues. MSFS course topics include advanced pension and estate planning, financial planning, executive compensation, business and personal tax planning, security analysis and portfolio management, and financial statement analysis. The program includes practical case studies and client-practitioner scenarios graduates can use to address their clients’ needs with greater insight and expertise. Candidates for the MSFS must successfully complete 36 credits of individual and residency study and pass 12 rigorous examinations.
Mr. Piccirillo is a principal, senior financial advisor and client service team director working out of the HBKS offices in Fort Myers and Sarasota, Fla. He also works with a number of families from the firm’s offices in his hometown of Erie, Pa. He directs the HBKS Retirement Plan Unit, which provides investment consulting on corporate, nonprofit and municipal retirement plans. He began his career in financial services in 1989 in Erie with American Express, and in 1995, with the firm’s founding, joined The Sorce Financial Group where he served as chief operating officer and chief compliance officer. He continued in a leadership role following the Sorce merger with the financial services affiliate of HBK CPAs & Consultants. In 2007, he returned his attention to working full-time with personal, corporate and institutional clients.
“Pursuing the degree was an excellent way for me to stay current and relevant in my profession,” Mr. Piccirillo noted. “My professors are among the thought leaders in our industry, experts in advanced retirement income planning, estate planning, and business succession and charitable giving concepts. My classmates were seasoned professionals—lawyers, CPAs, insurance professionals. Interacting with all of them, taking time to think deeply about the issues and research that has been done, was invaluable.”
The American College is the nation’s largest non-profit educational institution devoted to financial services. Holding the highest level of academic accreditation, the school has served as a business partner to banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies and others for 93 years. The Richard D. Irwin Graduate School has awarded the Master of Science in Financial Services degree to over 2,500 individuals since 1977.
Investment advisory services are offered through HBK Sorce Advisory LLC, doing business as HBKS® Wealth Advisors. NOT FDIC INSURED – NOT BANK GUARANTEED – MAY LOSE VALUE, INCLUDING LOSS OF PRINCIPAL – NOT INSURED BY ANY STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCY